White Orvieto wine typically consists of primarily Grechetto and Trebbiano (known here as Procanico), along with a blend of Malvasia, Drupeggio, and Verdello.
Check out their site and read about my impressions below--and if you find yourself in Orvieto, Custodi is definitely worth a visit.
- 2010 Belloro Orvieto Classico DOC -- Procanico, Grechetto, Drupeggio, Verdello, Chardonnay
Lemon yellow color , with very appealing flavors of apple, fresh pear and a touch of lemon juice.
- Piancoleto Umbria IGT -- Sangiovese, Merlot
Medium garnet color, with juicy, ripe red fruit on the nose and palate. Enjoyable dinner wine.
- Austero Umbria IGT -- Merlot
Deep garnet color, with enticingly intense aromas of red berries and sweet spices. Berry jam flavors and a nice, dusty finish. Yum!
- 2009 Pertusa Orvieto Classico Superiore DOC -- Procanico, Malvasia, Grechetto, Drupeggio, Sauvignon Blanc
Fantastic late-harvest dessert wine. Lovely gold tone with an all-over apricot and dried fruit character.